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2020-2021 Program of Study and Course Selection & Enrollment Process

Date: Wednesday - March 04, 2020
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: Auditorium
An evening designed for parents and guardians.

You are invited 
to a Presentation for Parents & Guardians
on the 

2020-2021 Program of Study 

and Course Selection & Enrollment Process

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

6:30 - 8:00

in the Auditorium

This evening is designed for parents and guardians 
of students entering 9th grade or of those who will be enrolling for their first year in high school at Mount Greylock.
However, families of students from all high school grades are welcome.

Learn about course offerings, graduation requirements, suggested paths of study and how your child will be supported through the course enrollment process.  Students are welcome, but they will receive a very similar presentation during the school day.

Presenters: Jessica Casalinova, Beverly Maselli, and Mary MacDonald

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